Monday 3 April 2017

31 Common Australian Slang Words and Phrases You Need to Know


Here are some common Australian slang words and phrases that you will hear.

When Australians speak to each other, they use a lot of made-up words. Australians also make many of their words shorter. These made up words and short words are called Australian slang. Your own language also has some slang language.

Here are some common Australian slang words and phrases that you will hear.

1. Australian slang and meanings

Arvo = Afternoon, e.g. 'He's coming this arvo'.

Ambo = Ambulance, e.g. 'The ambo was here in 3 minutes after I called 000'.

Barbie = Barbeque, e.g. 'Let's have a barbie this evening'.

Beaut/ Beauty = Great/ Fantastic, e.g. 'Your new car is a beaut!'.

Bathers = Swim suit, e.g. 'I bought new bathers for my holiday'.

Bingle = Car accident, e.g. 'The traffic was very slow because there was a bingle on the motorway'.

Bloke = Man, e.g. 'He's a handsome bloke'.

Bottle shop/ Bottle-o = Shop where you buy alcohol.

Brickie - = Bricklayer - someone whose job is to build with bricks.

The Bush = Rough country side outside the city, e.g. 'I would not like to live in the bush'.

Chook = Chicken, e.g. 'We had a roast chook for dinner'.

Crook = Feeling sick, e.g. 'I feel a little crook today'.

Digger = A soldier, e.g. 'An Australian digger were killed in Afghanistan'.

Dunny = Toilet, e.g. 'Where's the dunny'.

Fair Dinkum = If something is Fair Dinkum, then it is real, true or honest. e.g, 'He's a fair dinkum Australian'.

A fair go = A good chance, e.g. 'Every Australian should get a fair go'.

Footy = Sports game called rugby.

Good Onya/ Good Onya Mate = Well done.

Grog = Alcohol, e.g. 'I gave up the grog for New Year'.

Hotel = Pub.

Kiwi = Someone who is from New Zealand.

Mozzie = Mosquito, e.g. 'The mozzies are out this morning'.

On special = Something selling at a low price, e.g. 'Wine is on special this week at the bottle shop'.

Outback = The remote parts of Australia, e.g. 'Uluru is in the Outback'.

Postie = Postman, e.g. 'The postie is late today'.

Sheila = Woman, e.g. 'She's a pretty sheila'.

Servo = Petrol station, e.g. 'I met Joe when I was filling up at the servo'.

Sickie/ to pull a sickie = To take a day off work when you are sick.

Sparkie = Electrician - some who works with electricity/ wires

Sunnies = Sun glasses, e.g. 'I can't find my sunnies. Did anyone see them?'.

Snag = Sausage, e.g. 'Put another snag on the barbie.'

2. What's more?

As a visitor here, you will have noticed that Australia is a multicultural country. Immigration from so many countries and cultures around the world have increased the cultural and language diversity of Australia's population. Click here for the cultural guide for a better and quicker adaptation to life in Australia.

Source: Scots English College - a government registered ELICOS provider that provides quality ELICOS courses


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